Ghazali manuscript: Mishakt al-Anwar
A curator at the The National Library of Israel, located in Jerusalem has been kind to inform me about one…
Iḥyāʾ – Dār al-Fayyḥāʾ/Dār al-Manhal edition
This is a wonderful edition of the Iḥyāʾ (Revival of the Religious Sciences) noteworthy for its care of the text. I…
Ihya in English
The background: Dār al-kutub al-ʿilmiyya (dki) of Beirut, Lebanon a publisher of trade Arabic books has also published their own…
Editions of the iḥyāʾ
I get this question quite often: is my edition of the iḥyāʾ a good edition? We need to be more…
A Treasury of Ghazali: A Companion for the Untethered Soul
The good folks at Kube publishing have produced another wonderful book in their “Treasury” series. This new series highlights gems…
Iḥyaʾ in Malay – British Library
Manuscripts are an important source of knowledge. They have been the source for the spread of knowledge in the Muslim…
Iḥyāʾ printed editions – updates
on the Iḥyāʾ page on the website there has been extensive updates to the printed editions section. I am including…
Translations into Bosnian
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, Ar-Risāla al-laduniyya [Bosnian: Rasprava o transcendentnom znanju], translated by Almir Fatić, u: Novi Muallim, br. 19, Sarajevo,…
Neil deGrasse Tyson on Ghazali
I received the following email: I have been trying to combat the misinformation disseminated by Neil deGrasse Tyson. One of…
Ei farzand (or Ayyuha al-walad).
Alexey Khismatulin. Sochineniya Imama al-Ghazali (The Writings of Imam al-Ghazali). St. Petersburg-Moscow: Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie; Sadra, 2017. The book deals with the Persian writings…