Category: Books
Two additional dissertations that have to our attention as follows: Elshimi, Amani, Al-Ghazali’s Integral Epistemology: A Critical Analysis of The…
Sharḥ: Commentary on O Beloved Son
Seen in book fairs and on sale is a published edition of a commentary on O Beloved Son (ayyahā al-walad…
Al-Ghazali overview
This is to let you know of the translation into Arabic of Prof. Frank Griffel’s Stanford’s Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s article…
Wisdom of God’s creation
Wisdom of God’s creation (al-ḥikma fī makhaluqāt Allāh) This is a short treatise by Imām al-Ghazālī that is in fifteen…
Iḥyāʾ – Dār al-Fayyḥāʾ/Dār al-Manhal edition
This is a wonderful edition of the Iḥyāʾ (Revival of the Religious Sciences) noteworthy for its care of the text. I…
Ihya in English
The background: Dār al-kutub al-ʿilmiyya (dki) of Beirut, Lebanon a publisher of trade Arabic books has also published their own…
A Treasury of Ghazali: A Companion for the Untethered Soul
The good folks at Kube publishing have produced another wonderful book in their “Treasury” series. This new series highlights gems…
Iḥyāʾ printed editions – updates
on the Iḥyāʾ page on the website there has been extensive updates to the printed editions section. I am including…
Translations into Bosnian
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, Ar-Risāla al-laduniyya [Bosnian: Rasprava o transcendentnom znanju], translated by Almir Fatić, u: Novi Muallim, br. 19, Sarajevo,…