Author: m h
al-Ma’arif al-Aqiliya (Intellectual Knowledge)
The (Maʻārif al-ʻaqlīyah wa-lubāb al-ḥikmah al-īlāhīyah = Knowledge by intellect and the kernel of divine wisdom) is one of those minor works…
Al-Ghazālī against the Philosophers -The World is not Eternal
Professor Mashhad Al-Allaf’s series of lectures on Islamic Philosophy one of which is on Al-Ghazli and the eternity of the…
Ghazali website redone!
This is to let you know that as of today al-Ghazali website has been updated to a new mobile device…
New Thesis – Dissertation by Mohd Rosmizi Abd Rahman
Title: Good deeds in Christianity and Islam : comparing the perspectives of Augustine and al-Ghazālī Author: Abd Rahman, Mohd Rosmizi…
Ghazali’s Legal Thought
Prof. Ebrahim Moosa has written a thoughtful article on Imam Ghazali’s legal thought and it can be found here. This…
Minhaj al-Qasidin
Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597/ ) summarized Ghazali’s ihya’ ‘ulum al-din in a book title Minhaj al-qasidin wa mufid al-sadiqin which…
The Philosophy of Islamic Civilization: al-Ghazali’s Perspective
Prof. Mashhad al-Allaf has a new book [ (فلسفة الحضارة الإسلامية (الرؤية الغزالية ] out on Islamic Civilization and culture in the…
A Timeless Treasure in Free Urdu Audio Book احياء العلؤم الدين
Imam Ghazali: Free Urdu Audio Book of “Revival of the Knowledge of the Path to God” احياء العلؤم الدين …
Samples of Dar al-Minhaj’s edition of the Ihya’
In order to appreciate the work that went into this edition. I include here a few samples texts. The first…
New Translation
Prof. Massimo Campanini has published an annotated Italian translation of al-Ghazali’s Munqidh (Deliverance from Error) and Mishkat al-Anwar (Niche of Lights)….