Audio books – Imam Ghazali in Urdu translations

A wonderful brother who has been a good friend of who has made available the following works of Imam Ghazali available. May Allah bless him for his efforts and may it be in his scales on the day of judgement. He was kind enough to provide us with the Urdu translation of Imam Ghazali’s works. Jazakum Allahu Khairian.
1. “Al-Munqadh min al-ḍalāl” or “Deliverence from Error” by Imam Ghazali (1055-1111) is the spiritual autobiography of this one of the greatest thinkers, spiritual transformer, and reformer of human history.  This is the audio book of the Urdu translation of this great book.  Original book in PDF format can be found in in Imam Ghazali’s collection of short books called “Majmu’a Rasail Imam Ghazali”.  In this book Imam Ghazali tells us about his spiritual transformation and what factors led to that.  This is a great inspiration and a road map for our own spiritual journeys.
2. Mīzan al-ʿamāl” (“Criterion of Action” in English and “Mizan-e-Amal” in Urdu) is another great book of Imam Ghazali (1055-1111) who is one of the greatest thinkers, spiritual transformer, and reformer of human history.  This is the audio book of the Urdu translation of this great book.  Original book in PDF format can be found in in Imam Ghazali’s collection of short books called “Majmu’a Rasail Imam Ghazali”.  In this book Imam Ghazali explains the criteria for judging the human actions to be right or wrong.  This criterion is needed for one’s spiritual journey which can only proceed with the help of striving to do the right actions and by striving to avoid the wrong actions.  The actions not just include the outer actions of the limbs but the inner actions of the heart and soul of the spiritual traveller.
3. “Kimiya-e-Saʿdat” (Alchemy of Eternal Bliss), originally written is Persian, is Imam Ghazali’s (1055-1111) masterpiece of spirituality outlining 40 steps for achieving the purpose of one’s life resulting in an state of eternal bliss:
4. “Tabligh-e-Deen” by Imam Ghazali:
The following items might be of interest that are also in Urdu.
1. Easy Urdu translation of Quran with a beautiful introduction and a detailed explanation of the etiquettes of reading Quran for maximizing benefits:
2. Three (3) levels of Islam – Islam, Imam, and Ihsan as explained by Prophet (PBUH):
2. “Shariat-o-Tariqat” by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi:
Author: m h