Category: Books


Two additional dissertations that have to our attention as follows:  Elshimi, Amani, Al-Ghazali’s Integral Epistemology: A Critical Analysis of The…

Sharḥ: Commentary on O Beloved Son

Seen in book fairs and on sale is a published edition of a commentary on O Beloved Son (ayyahā al-walad…

Al-Ghazali overview

This is to let you know of the translation into Arabic of Prof. Frank Griffel’s Stanford’s Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s article…


New editions of old favorites: أيها الولد  Ayyah al-walad. Dār al-minhāj, Jedda, 2014.     Bidayat al-Hidiyya بداية الهداية Dār…

Wisdom of God’s creation

Wisdom of God’s creation (al-ḥikma fī makhaluqāt Allāh) This is a short treatise by Imām al-Ghazālī that is in fifteen…

Iḥyāʾ – Dār al-Fayyḥāʾ/Dār al-Manhal edition

This is a wonderful edition of the Iḥyāʾ (Revival of the Religious Sciences) noteworthy for its care of the text. I…

Ihya in English

The background: Dār al-kutub al-ʿilmiyya (dki) of Beirut, Lebanon a publisher of trade Arabic books has also published their own…

A Treasury of Ghazali: A Companion for the Untethered Soul

The good folks at Kube publishing have produced another wonderful book in their “Treasury” series. This new series highlights gems…

Iḥyāʾ printed editions – updates

on the Iḥyāʾ page on the website there has been extensive updates to the printed editions section. I am including…

Translations into Bosnian

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, Ar-Risāla al-laduniyya [Bosnian: Rasprava o transcendentnom znanju], translated by Almir Fatić, u: Novi Muallim, br. 19, Sarajevo,…